Dramatic Cinematic Marimba Background - Stock Music

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Dramatic Cinematic Marimba Background - Stock Music

Created: May 27, 2022

Updated: May 27, 2022

ID: 247980

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- An ambient, dramatic, and cinematic marimba soundtrack. This intriguing and introspective piece has a modern feel, interesting, dynamic, expressive ambiance with a certain curious, ambiguous, and suspenseful mood.

- Best for background music for all kinds of commercials, documentaries, animations, educational shows, nature videos, narration, life problems, dramatic sorrowful stories, film scores, emotional cinematic videos, global changes, cataclysm, hurricane, storm, coronavirus, epidemic, infection, medical and health videos, investigative, and cinematic videos needing an atmospheric soundtrack.

- Features marimba, piano, and pizzicato strings.

Comes in two main versions:

- the full mix

- a bed without the main melody

There are also edits: 60 sec, 30 sec, and a loop.

Additional track lengths: 3:17, 1:00, 0:30, 1:36

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