Playkids - Dětský obchod OpenCart Responsive Template

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shoppingBag Prodej: 33


Created: 25. 9. 2019

Updated: 7. 1. 2025

ID: 86400

og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

Free access to 480k+ items | 35% off exclusive items Join to Get this Item with  35% OFF
Playkids - Dětský obchod OpenCart Responsive Template - Features Image 1


##Update History


  • Added new twitter icon
  • Added new Quickstart package with opencart version
  • Updated theme files to make it compatible with Opencart version 3.0.4.x


  • Updated theme files to make it compatible with Opencart version
  • Added new Quickstart package with opencart version


  • Fixed some miscellaneous bug with update theme files
  • Updated theme files to make it compatible with PHP 7.4+
  • Added new Quickstart package with opencart version

5 Reviews for this product

Great template, works fast, everything is working. Quick developer responses.
Thank you so much for your positive feedback.
theme is not completed, with bugs, developer slowly fixes...
Sorry for my 1 star rating, it was my mistake! Very beautiful template, simple,lighter and fully customizable
Thank you so much for your positive feedback.
I was looking for a responsive and flexible template, and to tell the truth I hit the mark, very fast loading, pleasant graphics, 100% customizable, the assistance was very kind to help me with the configuration, even if a little laborious .. yes can get good results .. what to say .. I am very satisfied with the purchase and I am sure that it will adapt perfectly, to my needs and can be adapted to any type of product sold
Thank you so much for your positive feedback.
I buy this template for my customer, who has a KIDS store in Hungary - Szolnok and she decided to star her own webshop on the net, and this OpenCart template what we bought for her. We only change minimal design stuff on the site (like logo, color) but the basics stayed, and she loved it. We have many module for this OpenCart version and the template is real flexible for all changes and modules, no problem at all.
Thank you so much for your positive feedback

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